Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Secret of Listening

"There is nothing more glorious in all of life than hearing His voice! Hearing God's voice has become the singular quest of my heart, the sole pursuit that alone satisfies the great longings of my heart.

For this reason I strongly advocate for a prayer life that is comprised mostly of silence. It's a great delight to talk to God, but it's even more thrilling when He talks to us.

I do not mean to give the impression that hearing God's voice is my daily experience in the secret place. Far from it! Most days I come away with unfulfilled longings, unrequited initiatives, unanswered prayers, unrealized aspirations, deferred hopes, and incomplete understandings.

But then along comes one of those days- you know what I mean- when heaven leans over and God speaks a word directly to your heart. He breathes upon a portion of scripture and personalizes its meaning precisely to my felt need. Oh what glory! That moment is worth all of the knocking and seeking of the preceding days. I will endure moments of silence if He will but speak one creative word from His mouth to my spirit."

(Bob Sorge from Secrets of the Secret Place)

Waking Eve Playlist

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