Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Further Still: Day 2

Through a desire and conviction of the Holy Spirit to go deeper, I am sharing some ways I enjoy God's presence.

Today I start with one of my very favorites: Praying Scripture.

If there is anything I want my boys to remember of me it is that their mama prayed. She sought God in expectation. I want them to remember countless ways God answered prayers & countless miracles we witnessed through our partnership of prayer.

Prayer is a powerful weapon in and of itself. Sadly though, as John Piper says, it is our most unused weapon in the arsenal. Oh that we would wise up to the enemy, to our flesh, to this carnal world system we live in and begin using this weapon of prayer. And what more powerful prayer can we lift up than speaking the very words of God?

When words do not come, when we are uncertain what to pray, when we seek the unleashed power of God over ourselves, our families, our circumstances,
may we begin to pray the very life changing, heart rending, power inducing words of the Living God. And watch as He. Comes. Down.

(Based on Ephesians 6)

Today Lord would you make me strong in the Lord and your mighty power. Help me put on the full armor of God so that I can take my stand against the devil's schemes. Help me wise up and know that my struggle is not against flesh & blood... We are engaged in full-on spiritual warfare and I must yield the weapons you have given in order to have victory in this battle.

May I stand firm with the belt of truth around my waist. Give me integrity Lord. Sow it in my heart, my thoughts, my lips. Your word says you desire truth in my inner being. May truth dwell in me richly.

Help me take up the shield of faith. Let me know you Lord and your Word so that when the enemy comes to distract and discourage me, I can walk in faith and belief. Without faith I know it is impossible to please you.

May I wield the Sword of the Spirit today, which is your Word. Sow it richly in my heart & mind that I would KNOW your truth which is my offensive weapon against the enemy.

(Based on Philippians 1:20-21)

I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but that you would give me sufficient courage so that now as always Christ would be exalted in my body. For to me, to live is Christ & to die is gain.

To live is Christ. Make that my hearts greatest desire that You would not be a part or a portion of my life. But that you would be my LIFE.

(Based on Psalm 119:33-37)

Teach me O Lord to follow your word and give me understanding that I may obey it with all my heart.

Direct me in the path of your commands, and may I find great delight in your presence.

Turn my heart toward your Word O God. In a society that does not honor You nor your Word, may I have a reverent fear for You and the commands you have given. Bind my wandering heart to Thee Lord. Take my heart Lord, Take & seal it, Seal it for thine courts above.

Turn my eyes away from worthless things Lord. May I begin to love the things that you love and hate the things you hate. Cast down every idol that is exalted above you in my life, that my eyes would be fixed upon You God.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Further Still

There is a stirring within my heart to go deeper.

Last Monday morning in the dark, cold, rain a group of women gathered at Starbucks to do this very thing. Not content with mediocrity nor complacency, we gathered to go deeper.

Give us this day our daily bread...
May YOU God be my daily bread.
May I not put a bite of food into my mouth until my heart bows in submission to your authority for this very day.
May my hands not type a single text or email until they be lifted to the King in surrender for the upcoming hours.
May I not fill my cup until it is first filled by You.

How do we do this? What does this look like? For each one it will be as unique as we are. But the common thread is that we PURSUE the living God in the midst of our days.

For some that means rising while it is dark and stopping to listen. To bow. To beckon.

Ps. 119:147 "I rise before dawn and cry for help; I have put my hope is your word."

For many (including myself) who wake early to the sound of scurrying feet and hungry tummies, it is stealing some quiet moments with children by my side (Children's Bible in their hands, my own in my hand) while we seek God together.

Other days it means rushing to my "quiet place" on the couch,
journal, pen & Bible in hand as soon as children lay down for afternoon naps.

Whatever it looks like for you, may you beckon on further still.

Over the days & weeks ahead I will share ways I enjoy diving deeper. Variety is key. Who wants chicken everyday for lunch & dinner? We have a buffet of God's glory to revel in, to be amazed by. He has given us many ways to enjoy & SAVOR Himself.

May we not fill up on the nibblings of this world,
But instead feast at the banquet table of our God.

We have been created to know and savor Him. Pull up your chair today with eager expectation... and find your fill in Him.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blessed Invasion

Enthrall me Lord till none is left
to draw my heart from your safe cleft
Enthrall me Lord till none shines bright
save Christ alone till faith is sight

Invade my heart till you alone
exalted high rule on your throne
Invade the secret, shame & sin
let only truth and Christ within

Obsess this daughter with her King
my love for you, my offering
Obsess thine eyes with One who gave
His very life, mine own to save

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pour Out Your Hearts...

"My soul finds rest in God alone;
My salvation comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will never be shaken....

Find rest O my soul in God alone;
My hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rosk & my slavation,
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation & my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

Trust in Him at all times,
Pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge."

Psalm 62:1-2, 5-8

Friday, September 4, 2009

"I have set the Lord always before me.
Because He is at my right hand I will not be shaken...
You have made known to me the paths of life
and you will fill me with joy in your presence."
Psalm 16:8,11

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