Friday, October 2, 2009


The raw peeling back of hard places in my heart. The unearthing of soil I would prefer sit untouched.

And then comes His Spirit... turning up hard places, hurts, frustrations, fears... I would rather leave well alone. But praise God He won't just let me be. It must be faced. It must be prayed through. And much must be removed.

As we read the Relationship Principles of Jesus at church, it is a touchy subject. One I would rather leave well alone.

And as I poured my heart out to the Lord asking Him "Why do I have to go through this? Why do I have to face these hurts & the junk within my heart?" He spoke so tenderly..."Would you rather I left you here?" "No sir!" "Well then press on with me".

So press on I shall. He is unearthing some tender places. But You are the safest One to tear through it with.

He designed us for relationships... Yes for connection & intimacy. But I'm starting to see also for refining. Lord help me to not shrink back from the work you want to do. Continue unearthing all the junk that must be removed, all the fears that I must be set free of, all the hurts I must lay down at your feet... Let there be no callous places within my heart. No matter how painful this journey.

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