Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Gratitude Journal

Beginning this week... A gratitude journal. A way to open our eyes and begin looking. We began early morning at Starbucks- and hope in anticipation to begin looking, seeking out Your hand.
"Are your wonders known in the place of darkness,
or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?" Psalm 88:12
How very easy it can become to live in the land of oblivion. Going about daily activities, mind consumed with the tasks at hand... And all the while missing the many blessings of your hand.
I love the way Ann Voskamp words this:
"I am seeing things I have never seen before, atuned and aware of this constant, endless stream of gifts from His hand. I am one waking from slumber....from the stupor of indifference and ignorance. I have sight, fresh and keen---the world is new and full of His gifts.Too often I miss Him, oblivious, blind. I don't see all the good things that He is giving me, gracing me with, brushing my life with. True, He is everywhere, always. But maybe, before The Gift List, I thought of Him as further off, not so close. When I started to see all the things that I love bestowed upon me, I started to see Him as near, present, everywhere, showering me with good things."
May we began to pray for an awareness, a spirit that is sensitive & eyes that are wide open to your many graces. Your word tells us that you are near when the praises & thanks of your people are on our tongues:
"We give thanks to you, O God. We give thanks, For your Name is near." Ps. 75:1
"Let the peace of Christ rule in my your heart... And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...as you sing psalms, hymns & spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." Colossians 3: 15-16
Grab a journal and begin jotting. Here is a glimpse of my first page... The first page of many:
1. Best friends racing on bike endlessly down the driveway
2. The sound of laughter as boys wrestle
3. Life growing within me
4. Quietness in Your presence- sweet refreshing stillness
5. A warm breakfast brought in by my man
6. A jog in the cool autumn air
7. Brother park
8. Pillow mountain
9. Morning hugs

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