Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Law of Disintegration: Guarding our Marriages

In a recent article by Dr. James Dobson, he had the following insight to give regarding marriage and the law of disintegration:

"The natural tendency of everything in the universe is to move from order to disorder. If you buy a car, it will steadily deteriorate. Your body is slowly aging and dying. Your house has to be repainted and repaired. A business that is not managed carefully will unravel and collapse. ..

The principle that governs this drift from order to disorder might be called "the law of disintegration". The only way to postpone or temporarily combat its influence is to invest creative energy and intelligent design into that which is to be preserved.

Not so surprisingly, human relationships conform to this principle. The natural tendency is for husbands and wives to drift away from each other unless they work at staying together. To provide another analogy, it is as though they were sitting in separate rowboats on a choppy lake. If they don't paddle vigorously to stay in the same neighborhood, one will drift to the north of the lake and the other to the south. That is exactly that happens when marital partners get too busy or distracted to maintain their love. If they don't take the time for romantic activities and experiences that draw them together, something precious begins to slip away. It doesn't have to be that way of course, but the currents of life will separate them unless efforts are made to remain together.

I wish every married couple knew about the law of disintegration and actively protected their relationship from it."

(From the Complete Marriage & Family Home Reference Guide by Dr. James Dobson)

Lord guard our marriages. You designed marriage & families for your glory- which is why the enemy is on a clear mission to destroy this central core of Your design. Help us wise up against the distractions and schemes of the enemy. Fortify our homes. Your word says "the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him" (Ps. 34:7). May you have complete Lordship and supremacy in our homes and our marriages- and may you literally encamp around our families. Give us the creativity and love to intentionally pursue our spouse- that our hearts and lives would remain sealed as one.

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