And the Lord said to Moses, "I have heard the grumbling of the people of Israel. Say to them, 'At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread. Then you shall know that I am the Lord your God." Exodus 16: 11, 12
Written by Tiffany Edwards:
I have been a believer for more than 20 years and I must say that it has been in the reading of simple Bible stories and explaining the truth of God's word to my three and four year old that the truth and God's Word penetrates and pierces my heart in the most profound way...
The Bible story a few days ago was about the bread that fell from heaven. We have been studying the Israelites the last few weeks and I am always astounded by God's patience with them as they continue to grumble, slander one another and doubt God (none of which I am familiar with of course...) This time was no different. In just a short time, they had experienced God's powerful hand as he separated the Red Sea and then closed it on their ensuing enemies; provided sweet water when there was only bitter water available and now, just days later, they have the audacity to doubt and grumble yet again. I don't know about you, but when my children do this I begin to unravel and get angry with them for their ingratitude and doubt in regards to my care for them. It is not that God never got angry with them, but what speaks so loudly is His loving correction in response to their grumbling and His continued faithfulness in the midst of their infidelity and doubt. This story is yet another example.
They were hungry... they were thinking of Egypt and longing to go back--at least there they had food. Again, they doubted. Again, they grumbled. Again, God answered. They wanted food and God granted them their want. He provided bread from heaven in the morning and meat from heaven in the evening. My girls were astounded by this-- "God would send down treats and donuts if we ask???" Inquired my 4 year old Lanie. I smiled at her simple faith. I explained that God could and definitely does provide for us today in special ways, but that it probably wouldn't be anytime soon that she would see cream filled long johns with chocolate frosting falling from heaven...although, God is blessed by the simple faith of children so who knows...
Anyway, they were intrigued and I knew I had their attention, so I continued. "Do you know what they did? They gathered up enough food to last them a week and stored it away. But, do you know what God did to that stash of food?" Their eyes grew wide in wonder, I continued, "worms. God sent worms. They went to get their breakfast in the morning, and all they found was worm infested yuck." As I explained God's divine reason for this, the simple truth of God's word pierced my heart yet again. You see, these people had seen God at work in some of the most powerful ways recorded throughout all of history, and yet they continued to doubt. This did not change God's faithfulness, but he did know that he needed to teach them in the most concrete way to trust him in everything--so, he used their breakfast to teach this lesson. He wanted them to depend on him daily for their food. The fact they gathered and hoarded spoke volumes about their inability to trust God to rain bread from heaven for yet another day. Perhaps it was because they knew they didn't deserve it and for once they would actually get what they deserve...
As I am blessed with another day of life, health and blessing, I am overwhelmed by God's continued faithfulness for this whiny, no good, self centered woman who continues to doubt Gods care for her regardless of the care He has given in the past. There are so many times that I am tempted to hoard for fear that God won't continue to provide and it is in those times that my strength wanes the most and my own provision seems so inadequate. I am beginning to learn that God is faithful today and He promises to be faithful tomorrow, whatever that may bring. It is not up to me to know what tomorrow will be or if today will be my last--that is not important. What is important is knowing that God gives strength for today. He is faithful right now and will remain faithful evermore...that is all that matters and that is all I need.
His mercies are new every morning--and I am humbled that he would care enough for me to cover the ground under my undeserving feet with fresh bread directly from heaven to sustain me for whatever may come today. Praise His Holy Name!
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